Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tulum, Mexico

 Tulum was one of the last cities inhabited and built by the Mayans, it was at its height between the 13th and 15th centuries and managed to survive about 70 years after the Spanish began occupying Mexico. Tulúm is also the Yucatan Mayan word for fence, wall or trench, and the walls surrounding the site allowed the Tulum fort to be defended against invasions.
The new little village has been built 4km away from the ruins and that's where I decided to stay for 2 years and a half... Blue water, amazing beach, good weather and nice opportunities, I used to call this place Home and Paradise.

The peninsula of Yucatan is also a gold mine for cave diving thanks to the Cenotes.
A Cenote (from Yucatec Mayan dzonot "well" ) is a deep natural pit, or sinkhole, characteristic of Mexico, resulting from the collapse of limestone bedrock that exposes ground freshwater underneath. Especially associated with the Yucatan Peninsula, and some nearby Caribbean islands, cenotes were sometimes used by the ancient Maya for sacrificial offerings. (Which makes it even more interesting for Explorers! :)
These Cenotes, which I didn't even know the Existence before arriving in Tulum, became later my daily working location and a very interesting hobby.

Few photos of the Hotel "Don Diego de la Selva" (the Hotel website), where I worked for 10months thanks to Stephane et Charlie, 2 very interesting french people, who helped me, adviced me, and encouraged me for any new project. They are still now good friends and I'm pretty glad of that.

I also met a lot of very good friends in Tulum... and more! Josefin, Richi, Jaime, Ewelina, Gina, Tobby, Jeff, Stephane (my housemate), etc... I had really good times with all of them. BBQs on the paradise beaches, diving together, pool nights drinking Captain Morgan etc... An absolute Dream Life.

Richi, my very best German friend from Mexico. We spent a lot of time together, diving, playing, drinking and having fun... I miss you my friend, looking forward to come back to see you!

I 1st discovered my passion by diving in the Mangrove and different open water Cenotes where I learned and also taught my father and Josefin (helped me a bit for our 1st date...) to dive!
The feeling when you 1st breath underwater, and adapt to this new world is amazing. Different noises, density and laws, you just become a fish among the others. You are free and this is the time for you to stop thinking about everything else that bothers you en earth and just ENJOY what you have around you.

I later also loved Ocean Diving, with all this life and colors everywhere. You realize that you are actually nothing in the big blue.

And then, I started cave diving. I did my cave course with my excellent Swedish teacher Kim Davidsson for the 1st part and then Robbie Schmittner (Richi's Brother) for the 2nd part.
This cave course is the most interesting and intensive course I've ever taken, but then you come out of it with a different conception of diving.
We have now access to a complete different geological world which was not meant to be seen without all this equipment and skills... The Cenotes Cave System.

And now some more photos by one of the best underwater photographer in the World, Anatoly Beloshchin (His Photos), for the Dive Shope Xibalba in Tulum. (Which I Highly recommend if you want to go diving there!)


Back to Tulum for 2weeks of great Holidays with Vince. Went to see my friends, diving, turtles at night on the beach, eating tacos, drinking captain Morgan, 15th of september: Independance day of Mexico, really good fun! Hope you'll keep doing good Vince! Take care and good luck with the Bees! ;)
PS: Most of the photos are taken by Vince, and there is a Collector of "Mexican JC" !! Have fun... "Jajajaja"


  1. La moustache ?
    On dirait un acteur porno au chomage....

  2. Ahahah! Non c'etait juste pour le delire pour la photo "JC Mexicain"! Je suis de retour a la normale avec ma barbe et mes cheveux gras! ;)
